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Culinary Diversity Resource Hub

Welcome to the "Culinary Diversity Resource Hub" – your central destination for accessing a wealth of resources, materials, and insights from the CULINARY ODE TO DIVERSITY project. Here, we invite you to embark on a journey of cultural exploration, inclusion, and creativity.

Culinary Diversity Resource Hub

The Platform: The "Culinary Diversity Resource Hub" is designed as a dedicated space to amplify the impact of the CULINARY ODE TO DIVERSITY project. As a dynamic online platform, our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive collection of project resources that reflect our commitment to promoting migrant and refugee inclusion through the unifying power of food, theatre, and education.




What to Expect

Explore an extensive range of resources carefully curated to support trainers, educators, participants, and enthusiasts interested in our project's themes.
Here, you'll find:


Training Materials 

Autobiographical Theatre Insights

​Culinary Ode To Diversity Performance 

Community Exchange


Training Materials 


Culinary has produced engaging and user-friendly educational materials designed to facilitate training sessions and workshops. These resources are tailored to enhance the learning experience for adult trainers and participants alike.

  • Focus groups guideline:  is useful to investigate the lived experiences of migrants and refugees,  An art-based research process utilizing participants' interviews and the focus group discussions to script the narratives. Consult the Culinary Focus Groups Results

  • Questions focus groups: These questions can serve as a starting point to guide the focus group discussions and gather valuable insights from participants about their experiences, emotions, and perspectives related to the project's themes.

  • Workshop guidelines that we used to transcribe the testimonies of the migrants/participants/actors, co-creating the theatrical narrative of cooking and migrants' and refugees' life stories to define the theatrical text. Consult the Culinary Workshops Results

Autobiographical Theatre Insights


The Culinary Project invites us to delve into the harmonious fusion of food and theatre—a dynamic duo that ignites social change. Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of articles, videos,  and insights that shed light on the remarkable influence of these artistic mediums in nurturing inclusiveness. At the heart of this initiative lies a theatrical masterpiece born from the creative mind of director Domingo Ferrandis. Here, food becomes a catalyst for triggering emotional memories that elegantly narrate the lives of our characters.

Our journey saw the crafting of a narrative, meticulously woven from the stories of cooking, migration, and the lives of migrants and refugees. Each partner's local workshop acted as a crucible, shaping the integral theatrical text that now graces our final performance. These texts, reflecting the experiences and traditions of all participants, were harmonized into a singular narrative—a collective symphony of voices, sharing their foods and cultural legacies.

These texts have proven indispensable, enriching the journey of adult migrants and refugees. They've kindled the flame of theatrical language proficiency, intertwining it with the tapestry of their new environments. Moreover, these texts stand as a testament to the value of their wisdom and experiences, fostering their integration, and nurturing the seeds of their inclusion. Through shared stories and mutual respect, the Culinary Project has carved a path toward celebrating diversity and harmony. Discover the Ferrandis' autobiographical theatre and how it was used to create the Culinary final performance 

Culinary Ode To Diversity Performance 


Witness the culmination of our project's efforts through captivating final performances that involve trainers, migrants, refugees, and audiences. Experience the power of storytelling and expression as a means to bridge cultural divides. 

"CULINary: Ode to Diversity"  reached its grand finale with an inspiring performance that celebrated the richness of cultural diversity through the art of theater and cuisine. The final performance on 12 July,  in Forlimpopoli, hosted by Casa Artusi, was a culmination of the collaborative efforts of all the partners, participants, and volunteers who poured their hearts and souls into creating an unforgettable experience. On this momentous occasion, the theatre came alive with captivating narratives, brought to life by the heartfelt performances of the participants. The stage, a restaurant, was adorned with an array of traditional dishes from 5 corners of the world, symbolizing the unifying power of food in connecting people from diverse backgrounds.
Through this collaboration, the final performance at Casa Artusi became a vibrant expression of culinary art, storytelling, and the fusion of cultures. The venue, with its history and dedication to the culinary arts, provided the perfect backdrop for an event that showcased the profound impact of food and migration on the human experience.
Five stories, five migrants, each with their personal tales and cherished family recipes from Brazil, Ukraine, Italy, and Turkey. It was a dinner filled with life stories that represent the journeys of many other migrants.
One of the secrets behind this success was the guidance of the expert Domingo Ferrandis, who skillfully coordinated the different phases of the project, his expertise and leadership brought cohesion and direction to the project, ensuring that the artistic and culinary elements blended seamlessly with the personal narratives of the participants. His guidance allowed the project to reach its full potential, creating a powerful and impactful performance


Community Exchange


Engage with a vibrant community of individuals passionate about diversity, culture, and theatre. The stories of life shared by adult migrants, refugees, and host society members served as the building blocks of our Community Maps. These stories were translated into friendly maps that highlighted the cultural foods of our migrant participants, reflecting the essence of their countries of origin. You can consult the  Culinary Community Maps and contribute with your own maps

Join Us


 The "Culinary Diversity Resource Hub" is more than just a platform – it's a virtual space where knowledge, creativity, and empathy intersect.


We invite you to immerse yourself in the journey of the CULINARY ODE TO DIVERSITY project and actively engage in shaping a more inclusive world.


Experience the magic of culinary diversity, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and access a treasure trove of resources that empower you to create positive change. Let's embark on this journey together – because in our diversity lies our strength.


Stay Connected: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to join the conversation and explore the latest updates. We're excited to have you as part of our community


For inquiries and collaboration, reach us at

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© 2020-2023 by Culinary ode to Diversity  Project 

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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