“Cooking is a language through which harmony, creativity, happiness, beauty, poetry, complexity, magic, humor, provocation, culture can be expressed.” Ferran Adrià cook who revolutionized the world of gastronomy
CULiNary project aims to promote migrant and refugees inclusion through the pairing of food and theatre awareness and the development of friendly educational materials for adult trainers and creating final performances involving trainers, migrants, refugees and audiences.
The project wants to make visible, reflect, understand and deal with immigration from a disruptive approach, which is familiar to us, and known by all cultures: food and theatre with the aim of co-creating training models that use theatrical language, as an act of social inclusion.
The project stems from a theatrical creation by director Domingo Ferrandis that uses food as an activator of emotional memories to narrate the story of the characters.
© 2020-2023 by Culinary ode to Diversity Project
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