Project Consortium
SOLIS is a research-based consultancy firm, that has a large experience facilitating participation processes that typically involve business firms, R&D centers and intermediary institutions. SOLIS has carried out projects using the methodology of Autobiographical theatre with different populations such as people with Alzheimer's, violence, inequality, and gender perspective, among others, using the performing arts to create a disruptive and inclusive transversal dialogue to increase the awareness of human rights and civil and energizing social barriers that limit vulnerable, mistreated or marginalized people.
TIA Formazione
TIA Formazione's core values are represented by respect for human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Nice Charter. TIA Formazione's "core activities" are designed for two main targets: young people and adults. As far as the EDUCATION of ADULTS is concerned, our aim is to improve the competences of the staff by collaborating with European partners in order to improve the internal competences and consequently also the international competitiveness of TIA Formazione. TIA FORMAZIONE has a solid partnership networks, built over the years, always aiming to open collaborations with new European and international partners.
IKIGAI INSTITUTE is a Spanish nonprofit NGO that has the following purposes:
Helping adult and migrant people with training and acquiring knowledge to achieve meaningful and full lives, especially through creativity.
Digitalization of formation content, development of online training platforms, and teaching of digital skills.
Promoting participation in European civic life, as well as cross-border exchanges and mobility activities, to bring to life the concept of a "European citizen”.
Promoting knowledge and intercultural dialogue as well as collaboration and good practices. The goal is to form and educate specific collectives such as women, youth, migrants, people who need to reinvent themselves and grant them the right and possibility to grow and develop constantly and to achieve concrete results in the improvement of their personal,
social and professional life
European Migrant Platform
European Migrant Platform (EMP) is a newly established NGO (October 2020) in Brussels that aims to;
promote equal treatment, equal rights, and better integration for migrants in Europe, encourage social and economic development through migration in Europe,
represent member's organizations and lobby for and with migrants to have a strong voice at the international and European level,
support migrants to integrate into the economic, social, cultural and political spheres of the host society,
build a bridge between migrants and the society of the host country bearing in the mind the importance of meaningful interactions, empathy, sense of belonging, mutual understanding, inclusion, wellbeing of the society as a whole, gender equality and so on,
encourage the established migrants to play an active role in solving social problems and to be hospitable to newly arrived migrants and refugees,
combat discrimination, gender-based violence, racism, and xenophobia
© 2020-2023 by Culinary ode to Diversity Project
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.