Project Activities
The idea is to unite cuisine and fiction to co-create a theatrical piece based on the
lives of the participating immigrants, where their stories and their cooking will be
the protagonists
First International training
Modena, 21-24 November 2022
The first International workshop was carried out in Modena, from 20 to 24 November, to train the staff about Autobiographical Theater and to establish the phases of the entire project. The workshop took part 2 staff/trainers and 1 social worker with artistic competencies per partner, and the main activities were focused on understanding autobiographical theatre methodology and how to apply it to the project process, as well as defining the methods to involve migrants and refugees people. In this first phase, Autobiographical Theater was used, a modality of Applied Theater that consisted of a scenic piece of fiction based on the personal stories of the cast, in this case, of the participating immigrants and social workers.

Focus groups and research
Local levels in Italy, Spain and Belgium
The purpose of this focus group was to investigate the lived experiences of migrants and refugees and their experiences of participating in an inclusive autobiographical theatre production. A total of ten migrants and refugees participated in semi-structured interviews conducted by each partner, resulting in a total of 40 interviews. The research followed a post-reflection plan during the data collection and analysis process to elaborate on the community map.
An art-based research process was undertaken, which involved using direct quotes from the participants' interviews and the focus group discussions to script the theatre production. By incorporating the participants' own words and perspectives, the script aimed to authentically represent their stories and experiences on stage.

Second International Workshop
The second International workshop was conducted online, and during this workshop, the partners shared their own community maps with the results of the testimonies collected from the migrants and refugees. In this phase, the staff of all the partners in the consortium, guided by Domingo Ferrandis and SOLIS' staff, began to transcribe the testimonies of the participants/actors to co-create the theatrical narrative and the menu.
The training during this phase was based on Narrative, which served as the foundation for the theatrical text. By utilizing the collected testimonies, the partners worked together to shape the narrative of the production, ensuring that the voices and experiences of the migrants and refugees remained central to the theatrical performance. The process aimed to bring authenticity and depth to the theatrical piece, providing a meaningful and inclusive representation of the participants' stories.

Local workshops
Local levels in Italy, Spain and Belgium
The local workshops were deployed by each partner at the local level and used the results of the second international workshop conducted online. The guidelines provided were utilized to transcribe the testimonies of the participants/actors, facilitating the co-creation of the theatrical narrative and the menu.
During these workshops, the partners began elaborating the narrative that intertwined cooking with the lived stories of migrants and refugees to define the theatrical text. The goal was to create a performance that authentically represented the experiences of the participants, incorporating their personal stories and the cultural aspect of cooking.
The participants' feedback was also sought to adapt the content of the second international training. This input was valuable in refining and finalizing the narratives and elaborating the menu for the international performance. The collaborative approach allowed for a more inclusive and impactful theatrical production, ensuring that the voices of the migrants and refugees were well-represented on stage.
Third international workshop
Zaragoza, Spain
The third international training was carried out in Spain and had a duration of 4 days, focusing on the integral theatrical text developed in the previous phases. The training concentrated on aesthetics and involved rehearsals before the performance in the restaurant.
Under the direction of Domingo Ferrandis and SOLIS' staff, the partners, including one chef from the restaurant in Belgium, who is part of EPM's staff, and the participants/actors, began rehearsing the performance. During these rehearsals, scenic elements, the kitchen setup, and the ingredients were incorporated to enhance the theatrical experience.
Moreover, the active participation of the public was programmed to ensure an engaging and interactive performance. The host organization for this workshop was INSTITUTO IKIGAI, which facilitated the smooth execution of the training.
With the active involvement of all partners and participants, the rehearsal phase aimed to perfect the performance, combining artistry with culinary elements to create a unique and immersive experience for the audience.

International performance
Forlimpopoli, Italy
The last phase of the project took place in Forlimpopoli, at Casa Artusi, 12 July 2023, and was coordinated by SOLIS srls. This phase consisted of the theatrical performance: the premiere at the cooking school of Casa Artusi, where citizens and stakeholders were invited to the unconventional representation. The stage setup resembled a family celebration, where the audience participated in tasting 5 dishes, and the actors/participants seamlessly integrated themselves as part of the guests at the feast.
During the performance, stories concerning issues that needed addressing came to light. At the conclusion of the stage production, a debate was opened where the cast and the audience shared their feelings, questions, and experiences.
The theatrical performance allowed for a unique and interactive experience, blurring the lines between actors and spectators, and everyone became part of this theatrical and culinary celebration. The innovative and participative approach of the play enabled a profound connection with the themes addressed and created a space for reflection and dialogue among the attendees.

© 2020-2023 by Culinary ode to Diversity Project
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.