According to a need analysis carried out by the CULiNary partners, adult workers, Adult trainers/educators/social workers, actors working with adult migrants and refugees, there is a need to use different and innovative ways to create tolerance and integration between people. This project is based on the theatre play Culinary Ode to Diversity of the director and writer Domingo Ferrandis, which aims to combine Cuisine and Applied Theatre to deal with immigration. We will carry out an integration laboratory, research around migration and staff training. The idea is to unite cuisine and fiction to co-create a theatrical piece based on the lives of the participating immigrants, where their stories and their cooking will be the protagonists to deal with the difficulties of integration and social coexistence, and other characteristics of immigration such as: Legal, social and economic vulnerability. That is, legality, inclusion, work, friends, adaptation, among others. We will base the training of the staff on a co-creation laboratory, where the stories of the participating immigrants will be known together, at the same time unravelling the difficulties of integration and writing the narrative for the scenic piece, which will be represented in a restaurant, and not in a theatre, and where the public, citizens and stakeholders, will be invited, in the preparation of the dishes and in the tasting of the same.
The idea is to use two universal and emotional languages such as food and fiction to deal with diversity and multi-ethnic coexistence. Why have we decided to take a restaurant food as a theatrical setting? Or more clearly, why have we decided to use cooking and theatre in an Erasmus project to deal with immigration? For a simple reason, the bond - affective, psychological and family-. No matter where you are from, no matter what cities you live in now, something will always accompany you, and it is the food of your place of origin. Food is that umbilical cord that unites you to your childhood, your family, your land, that's why we don't want to break it. If we pay attention, we can observe in our cities how each culture preserves its gastronomy, and how those rich native dishes are never lacking in their great celebrations.
Author: Domingo Ferrandis (SOLIS Srls)