Can a recipe unite people from all nationalities? We share our experience in a Erasmus+ project.
by Ines Caloisi TIA FORMAZIONE, project partner

Culinary ode to diversity is a European ERASMUS+ project that is going through its final phase and will end on 31 August 2023. It is a small scale project, 12 months long, coordinated by SOLIS with APS Tia Formazione, European Migration Platform, Ikigai as partners. The aim of the project was to make, through theatre and food, a theatrical representation to express our deepest feelings by looking and talking about a recipe, what were our memories and how this can unite people beyond nationalities. The final event has been taken on the 12 of July in Casa Artusi at Forlimpopoli, the very first centre in Italy of gastronomic culture to be established, devoted entirely to Italian home cooking at its best. Please, feel free to contact me for further information on this great experience.